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Since when did the word “hater” change to “opinionated” or any other word that expresses ones opinions of what you do, say, believe, are or what ever. America is all about freedom of speech, yet when you do it against the popular grain you are labeled a “HATER.” So with that in mind let’s make this as simple as possible “I HATE ALL OF YOU.”

I hate the fact that if I don’t like your music and express myself you call me a hater.

I hate the fact that dudes act like broads on their cycle. One minute you all cool and buddy buddy the next mortal enemies. If we get into a fist fight we can never see eye to eye later because your feelings are still hurt. Bruises heal home boy.

I hate the fact that dark skinned black women think that wearing black nail polish is copasetic.

I hate the fact that young cats think that EVERYTHING they do is so original. Even if it was a remake or sample. Forget the fact that it was something that their parents grooved to. The jerk sure looks like a dance I saw Mike do before most of you were born.

I hate the fact that some of you ratchets are having little ratchet and thugs. By none other than a dead beat dad with priors. If he didn’t take care of his first kid what makes you think he’ll take care of the 2, 3, 4 or how many ever yours is.

I hate the fact that I can’t use the word GAY so willy nilly because you straight dudes are the real gays. Crying about EVERYTHING shut up dude only your wifey should she you getting emotional.

I hate the fact that women thinks it’s cute to pose all over the internet nude or simi-nude or half nude. That don’t make me want to put a ring on your finger. May want to put a condom on but that ain’t refreshing.

I hate the fact that dude think it’s cute to pose all over the internet nude or simi-nude or half nude. That crap is GAY.

I hate the fact that I can’t beat my kids in public when they act like those bad white kids they see tear stuff up in the stores and at school. You aren’t feeding my kids so shut up and back off.

I hate the fact that soccer moms keep buying wack rappers CDs and then they start bragging about how many albums “they be selling” and think they stuff is hot.

OK now some serious topics that bugs me to no end.

I hate when I hear people that refuse to vote during election time talk about how they voted for American Idol, X Factor, Dancing With The Stars, America’s Got Talent or any of the other edited, rigged shows. You don’t want to bring 2 forms of ID to an election booth but will fill out a 20min survey 10 times to vote for your favorite act. SMH You are what is wrong with this country and not Wall Street, Congress, President, Government or who ever else you blame.

I hate when Black people talk like they were born in the 1800’s in public around White people. I don’t even want to speak to you at all so just keep walking by. No I’m not your nigga either so please stop calling me that. Now if you were speaking like Obama and threw in “my nigga” I just may reluctantly respond. LOL.

I hate when White people talk like they were born Black in the 1800’s in public and look around for me to translate. Your on your own I do speak the King’s English well.

I hate when Pacific Asian people talk like they were born Black in the 1800’s in public… LOL I’m lying it’s the funniest thing ever.

I hate that my gums aren’t bright pink but then I would look weird like other dark people with real pink gums. LOL.

I hate that fat is starting to accumulate in parts that it has never accumulated in in the past.

I hate the fact that non pleated pants are fashionable and almost all anyone carries. Some of us have large legs and a small waist lines and need pleats.

I hate that Puffy still raps on tracks. I should have put that in all caps.

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